Responses to Public Comments/Feedback about Annual Plan Submission Are In

Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority welcomes and appreciates your feedback to the RRHA 2020-2021 Annual Plan. We are open to all suggestions and feedback that enables us to do a better job of serving our families. Per US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines, we will take into consideration all suggestions and comments that we receive prior to RRHA’s submission of our final plan.  

While not required, RRHA chooses to respond to the concerns raised in the letters and correspondence received regarding our Annual Plan submission. We have taken the time to address every point raised, in order to provide clarity and understanding and provide insight on any and all misconceptions and mischaracterizations of our Agency. RRHA exists to administer safe, clean, and decent affordable housing to the families that reside in RRHA’s communities. RRHA operates within the financial, regulatory, and programmatic constraints established by our governing agency, HUD. It is also worth noting that RRHA is open and receptive to meeting and/or partnering with organizations, agencies and individuals that have viable plans, ideas, and resources to improve the lives of RRHA families.