Resident Councils

Joining your resident council is easy—as a resident, you are a member! Get involved and be a part of your community.

Contact your Council

Creighton Court Resident Council
2101 Creighton Rd.
Marilyn Olds, President, 804-437-2217

Fairfield Court Resident Council
2306 N. 25th St.
Dyanne Broidy, President, 804-533-9240

Gilpin Court Resident Council
10W. Charity St.
Annie Mahdee, President

Hillside Court Resident Council
1504 Harwood St.
Patrice Shelton, President, 804-289-0167

Mosby Court Resident Council
1973 Accommodation St.
Patricia Williford, President, 804-225-0147

Whitcomb Court Resident Council
2302 Carmine St.
Helen Bates, Council Contact, 804-874-6649

Why get involved?

RRHA strongly encourages the establishment of and participation in the resident councils. The officers of the council are elected by the residents of each public housing community. Any current resident may run for a Resident Council Office and may vote for candidates. 

The purpose of the resident council is to:

  • Respond to resident needs in the community.
  • Create programs and garner partnerships that will improve the quality of life and resident satisfaction and participate in self-help initiatives to enable residents to create a positive living environment for families living in public housing.
  • Help plan special activities such as community day, National Night Out, and other self-sufficiency events.
  • Represent residents and communicate with RRHA management.
  • Provide input in the design of Agency programs and agency plans.